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Shattered (2017)

Molly BurnettRay WiseArianne ZuckerAdam Huss
Natasha Kermani


Shattered (2017) is a English movie. Natasha Kermani has directed this movie. Molly Burnett,Ray Wise,Arianne Zucker,Adam Huss are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2017. Shattered (2017) is considered one of the best Thriller movie in India and around the world.

Shattered is based on true events about family betrayal, love lost, and a dark destructive secret that swirls around a high powered political family in the Deep South. Kate Stenson (Molly Burnett) dreams of an enviable life as the quintessential Southern Belle. She marries Ken Burnett, the son of the town's powerful Mayor - a controlling father who will do anything to protect his position. Kate has two children with Ken - a biological daughter, and an adopted son, named Logan (Tate Birchmore). But Kate's seemingly perfect lifestyle begins to fray at the edges as she discovers that Logan suffers from severe mental health issues. Kate's journey to uncover the true story of Logan's past reveals a dark secret that can destroy the entire Burnett legacy. As Kate investigates - with the aid of a new friend - to unmask the history behind Logan's illness, these unimaginable family secrets surface, putting her in unforeseen danger.

Shattered (2017) Reviews

  • Logan, look out!


    Kate Stenson (Molly Burnett) marries into the wealthy Burnett family who run the town of Clarksdale, a small southern town. (Filmed in California.) They adopt a son who has control issues and the doctor thinks it may be genetic as Kate searches for the biological parents with results that will leave her life......shattered!!!!!! Family drama, supposedly based on a true story, poorly told and acted. In fact it was a "who cares" unless you were part of the family. A film that would be something Lifetime might show minus the infrequent F-word.

  • Great Film


    This is my first film review but I felt the need to review this because this film is underrated. Although part way through you have an idea where the film is going it is still intriguing and you still want to see it until the end; especially since it has some great acting by the lead character and the rest of the cast. You really get to care for the characters. Do watch this film, it is worth it. It's a gem of a movie and you won't regret it.

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